In a perfect world, the term business dissolution would not exist, unfortunately we live in a much less perfect world than we would like. In Miami Florida, it is imperative that you know the rules and regulations for both state and federal laws when it comes to business dissolution.
There are many things you must do in order to follow through with the dissolution of your business. The IRS requires a multitude of forms filed and taxes filed as well as any money that may be owed. That is just the IRS; there are other things to think about as well.
Liquidation and employee disputes may occur. The liquidation is a fairly simple process but when it comes to disputes on pay for employees and vendors you may find yourself in a whirlwind of legal trouble. This is yet another example of why you will need to find a qualified Miami attorney. You may also need that qualified attorney to help if you have business partners that do not agree with your methods of dissolution. One thing is for sure, if the dissolution of your business is on the horizon, you will fare better by seeking the legal advice of an experience Miami Florida Lawyer.